Fascia is the tough layers of fibrous, collagen-based connective tissue found throughout the entire human body.
The JFB MFR approach is a hands-on technique of gentle sustained pressure into the myofascial restrictions to help eliminate pain and restore motion. This manual therapy uses a whole body approach with focus on the three-dimensional continuous web of fascia found throughout the body. As a result of trauma, stress, or injury, restrictions can occur within the fascia resulting in decreased range of motion, chronic pain and other various symptoms. Over time, through compensation, the body creates holding patterns that produce pain and dysfunction in other seemingly non-related areas of the body.
The binding down of the fascia, producing pressure on the joints, blood vessels, nerves, organs, and even the cells themselves, causes many disorders within the body. Symptoms develop as the body compensates and life-sustaining functions are compromised. MFR can gently free restrictions within this tough connective tissue and release the physical and energetic holding patterns while guiding the body back to its natural alignment.
Myofascial Release relieves the pressure of the fascia and helps to bring balance back to the body!
By Using The Various Techniques And Movement Therapy, True MFR Is About Finding The Source Of This Dysfunction And Treating The Whole Body.
CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle, non-invasive hands-on technique to restore normal position and motion of the bones of the skull, spine, and sacrum and restore cerebrospinal fluid flow. This technique is performed by using light touch to monitor the rhythm of the craniosacral system to detect potential restrictions and imbalances and help alleviate illness, pain and dysfunction.
Along with adults, children of all ages benefit from Myofascial Release and Craniosacral Therapy.
Somatic Experience Life Coaching
Melissa is a certified life coach and is currently in Peter Levine’s 3-year program learning the work as a Somatic Experience Practioner. Recognizing that healing the nervous system and helping the body release the effects of trauma is an essential piece to living a life that you love. Within her online coaching practice, Melissa includes Body Mapping…a Mind-Body technique developed over her decades of experience, that combines pattern recognition with specific tools using attention to explore and expand our self-perception, including exploration of energetic holding patterns. Mapping can help you discover your internal witness and thereby contribute to profound insights within the interaction between mind and body creating deep healing and long-term change. Somatic Coaching is available via Zoom.
Learn more about 1-1- coaching HERE…
Myofascial Stretch Method
Myofascial Stretch Method is a series of self-care techniques from 20 years of experience as a myofascial release therapist. We teach these techniques to our clients for self-care in between their myofascial release sessions, lead weekly Myofascial Stretch Method group classes, and meet with clients on video to create an individualized group of Myofascial Stretch Method techniques to help you decrease pain and tightness, gain peace of mind as you let go of that fight or flight, and reclaim your body.
Schedule online or call for a My Myofascial Stretch Method session. Work with expert-level myofascial release therapist, Melissa Russell LMT and Robin Hahn LMT - Get specific insights about your pain and tightness with your favorite therapist as they meet with you on video. Let's put together an individualized Myofascial Stretch Method plan designed just for you.
Gretchen Gackstatter
The Myofascial Stretch Method class is transformative! I look and feel like a different person when I finish with Melissa's class. She is a true expert, with 20 years of experience in myofascial release and knows her stuff. Any and all physical fitness levels are welcomed , nurtured, empowered. Love it! I tell everyone I know!
Mary Lou Walsh
Thank you Melissa for caring about our well being!❤️ I was finally able to do your Myofascial Stretch Method class…it was awesome! Thanks!
Christine Ramsdell
I was finally able to do your Myofascial Stretch Method class…it was awesome! Thanks!
Robyn German
I am loving your videos! You have such a beautiful energy.